



№ 4 (13)

Editor’s column
To our readers: the anniversary issue of the journal
In Russian
In English

Appointment to the office of the Russian Federation Representative before the European Court of Human Rights
Appointment of the new Russian Federation Representative before the European Court of Human Rights
In Russian
In English

Materials and documents related to activity of the Council of Europe

General information on the Council of Europe (in Russian only)

The Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe
Information of the Russian Federation Ministry of Foreign Affairs

The Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe: structure and activity
Information of the Council of Europe

«Xenophobia: a shameful face of Europe». Viewpoint of the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights (in Russian only)

Press-releases of the Council of Europe on current issues of the Organisation’s activity (in Russian only)

Materials and documents related to activity of the European Court of Human Rights

Statistical information on the activity of the European Court of Human Rights in December 2006 (in Russian only)

Chronicle of cases in applications against the Russian Federation. Judgments and decisions delivered by the European Court of Human Rights in January — February 2007 (in Russian only)

NB! Featured topic

Sergey V. Pchelintsev
Of Grounds and Criteria of Possible Restrictions of Citizens’ Rights and Freedoms in the Interests of National Security (based upon jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights (in Russian only)

Michele de Salvia
La tierce intervention dans le cadre de la Convention européenne des droits de l’homme: un moyen processuel hybride, quelque peu aléatoire et anormalement novateur
In Russian
In French

Case-Law of the European Court of Human Rights (with respect to Russia)
Judgment in the case of Andandonskiy v. Russia
(no. 24015/02), 28 September 2006 (in Russian only)

Case-Law of the European Court of Human Rights (with respect to High Contracting Parties other than Russia)
Judgment in the case of Taïs v. France
(no. 39922/03), 1 July 2006 (ending) (in Russian only)

Judgment in the case of Anheuser-Busch Inc. v. Portugal

(no. 73049/01), 11 January 2007 (in Russian only)

Section of the journal in official languages of the European Court/Rubrique de la revue traduite dans les langues officielles de la Cour Européenne


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