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Happy 2008 New Year, our dear readers!
A new year always means new plans and new projects. Thus,
our journal has entered the third year of its publication with
high hopes and big plans.
We will certainly continue covering the activity of the
European Court of Human Rights and everything that
to this international institution.
I earnestly hope that the newly elected State Duma will ratify
the Protocol No. 14 to the Convention for the Protection of
Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms and in the near
future this document, already signed by the Russian Federation, will take legal effect.
After that, it will become possible to start working upon new Protocol (No. 15), which
will take notice of all comments, which were accumulated not only by the Russian
Federation, but also by the member States of the Council of Europe, as well as by the
European Court itself.
Two momentous events will take place in the European Court in the end of January
of the new year.
There will be the ceremony of the opening of the Judicial Year at the European
Court, and we will cover this event in the journal.
There will be election of the Vice-President of the European Court and Presidents
of the Sections.
Election of the new leaders of the European Court are especially essential for Russia,
since there will be election of the President of the Section, which handles cases in
applications against Russia. Considering the rotation among the judges, which
occurred lately, election of the President of the «Russian» Section is as important the
election of the President of the European Court that took place a year ago.
We would like to hope that the office of the President of the Section that handles
most cases in applications against Russia would be occupied by a judge elected from
the member countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States. We will also cover
the event in our journal.
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The 28th Conference of European Ministers of Justice took place in Spain between
24 and 26 October 2007. The Russian Federation Minister of Justice Vladimir V.
Ustinov, delivering his remarks to the participants of the Conference, touched upon
essential issues related to access to justice for loosely protected groups of population,
such as children, juvenile offenders and migrants. You may find information about the
Conference on the pages of our journal.
In Strasbourg, on 7 June 2007, the European Court of Human Rights delivered its
judgment in the case of OAO Plodovaya Kompaniya v. Russia.
The applicant in the case is a large Russian producer of a number of brands of
vodka and derivatives. It has appropriated the legal succession of a State enterprise,
which enabled the applicant company to use such world-known trademarks as
Vodka Stolichnaya, Vodka Moskovskaya and other brands of Russian vodka as its
own property and in its own commercial interests. In its application submitted to the
European Court the applicant company alleged that the final and binding judgment in
the arbitrage proceedings, it was a party to, was quashed by way of the supervisory
review procedure allegedly in breach of Articles 6, 13, 14 of the European Convention
of Human Rights and Article 1 of the Protocol No. 1 to the Convention.
However, the European Court did not consider propositions of the applicant company
to be well-founded and completely dismissed its claims.
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