№11 (20)
In Strasbourg, His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow and all Russia gave a
speech at the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly autumn session. In this issue,
we publish his speech wherein His Holiness outlines the Russian Orthodox Church’s
vision of the past, present and future of the European continent
In Moscow, on 12—13 October 2007, the 10th International Forum on constitutional
justice «Constitutional Principle of a Social Welfare State and Its Application by
Constitutional Courts» was held. Eminent jurists, scholars and practitioners, from
Russia and other European States, made their presentations at the Forum. President
of the Russian Federation Constitutional Court Valery D. Zorkin made his welcoming
remarks. Judge Anatoly I. Kovler spoke on behalf of the European Court of Human
Rights (his welcoming remarks are published in the journal).
In Kazan, on 29—30 October 2007, the seminar for Russian lawyers «Particular
Features of Application of the European Convention of Human Rights in the Russian
Federation: Right to Freedom and Personal Inviolability» was held. The seminar
was organised jointly by the Council of Europe and the Russian Federation Federal
Chamber of Advocates. Judge Anatoly I. Kovler of the European Court of Human
Rights and the Council of Europe expert Dovydas Vitkauskas made their presentations
before the audience of lawyers. The seminar will be helpful to Russian lawyers in their
wider use of the European Convention in their professional practice.
In Belgrade, in his presentation at the regional conference on «The Role of Supreme
Courts in the Domestic Implementation of the European Convention of Human
Rights» President of the European Court of Human Rights Jean-Paul Costa directed
attention to the idea that the European Court repeatedly emphasised «a special nature
of the Convention as a treaty of the collective securing of human rights», its status of
«the instrument of maintaining European public order with a view to protect people»,
which entails the Court’s obligation, while interpreting the Convention, to take care
of ensuring its effectiveness. The full text of the presentation is published in this issue
of the journal.
The article by the retired Registrar of the European Court of Human Rights Michele
de Salvia «Protection européenne des droits de l’homme et respect du principe de
subsidiarité ou la (parfois) insoutenable légèreté des Etats» is interesting and of current
importance, as were all his previous publications in the journal.
We keep on publishing translations of judgments by the Grand Chamber of the
European Court. In the case of Folgerø and Others v. Norway the Grand Chamber,
having examined complex issues of teaching of religion to schoolchildren in the
country with the established religion, concluded – by narrow majority – that in the
case there was a violation of Article 2 of the Protocol No. 1 to the Convention.
There is exactly one month left before the end of 2007, which in many respects was
a determinative year for the European Court: the Court underwent significant human
resources change, the Court works quite intensively and in the near future, it seems,
this intensity will not slacken.
Vitaly Portnov